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About Us

Riverbend Honey

We started Riverbend honey in 2010, not knowing much about beekeeping, just thought it sounded fun.  Turns out it’s a lot more work than we thought, but it is one of the most rewarding hobbies/jobs ever.  Our honey is all produced locally, Our hives are all located within 5 miles of our house, and we take care of all the steps from taking care of the bees to bottling the honey.  Our honey and other related products can be purchased at several locations in town.  The Natural Health Organic Food Store, Annie Laurie’s Antiques, The Indie House, The Spanish Street Farmacy, and the HONEY SHACK (our stand at our house, open 24/7, and payments are made by the honor system).  We also attend the Cape River Front Maret every Saturday, May through October.  You can order online but for pick up only at this time.  Please feel free to contact us with any questions, you can email or via our Riverbend Honey facebook page.    

Starting in the spring, you may find many bees hanging in a tree, a bush, on a car, or anywhere. Don’t panic when you see one; please don’t spray. The bees are just looking for a new home. Give us a call, and we will be glad to give them a good home.

We attend the Cape Riverfront Market on Saturdays from May through October.

The best part of beekeeping is actually taking care of the bees. If you ever have a desire, give it a try. It’s a lot of work but well work the effort.